Rye Harbour Entrance and Breakwater


Like this a lot Alan , the choice colours is excellent. Looking forward to seeing your challenge when it’s finished.

Good one Alan, love the colours.

Know it well and this is a great example of a limited and interesting colour palette

It's lovely Alan, love the mosaic like blocks of pastel colour, which make the whole thing very attractive.

Lovely depth reached and choice of colours where the sea meets the horizon line at that pinkish hue, the pier turned out well perspective wise and where the waves are lapping can sense the shrill damp sea mist rise! Lovely painting of Rye harbour and breakwater Alan!

Gorgeous colours Alan

Love the palette!

It is an interesting palette Alan, excellent brushwork and eye-catching scenes.

Lovely colour palette, looking forward to seeing this scene in acrylics as well.

Quite a restricted colour palette but what a range you’ve managed Alan. I. Look forward to seeing your selected version at Patchings.

Love the tones and colours you are using in your latest work Alan.

Love the limited palette and soft colours.

Interesting palette and love the abstract quality of the image

Thanks guys, greatly appreciated as always!

Beautiful !

A lesson here in stepping beyond perceived colour, i.e. local colour; with which I'm sure I'm not alone in having problems - not a problem with this picture, problems with trying to achieve it myself. It is a beautiful painting, beyond all that - I look forward to seeing what you do with it using acrylics; if it all goes wrong (fat chance!) do forget who suggested Cryla to you...).

Stunning colours 🥰

Hang on Studio Wall

Wallace Seymour Artists Oils on Belle Arti board 40 x50cm. One of three variations on a similar theme, one of which has been selected for the TAPC exhibition, (not this one). Reference material from my own source and from photographs that Dawn had taken, for which I’m grateful! I’m going to paint the same scene in Cryla acrylic paints, I’ve not used acrylics for some years, so I’ve set myself an interesting challenge!

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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