Ghostly trees.

Ghostly trees

Happy New Year Sandra! Love this painting it is 'other worldly' beautiful colours and does look ghostly.

Lovely expressive scene Sandra, all the very best to you in 2020!

Thank-you very much Carole, Alan, for such positive comments. Very best wishes for 2020 to you both.

I am very impressed by your inventive approach on this work. I wish I could describe how I like it.

Happy New year Sandra this is gorgeous

Yoko, Dennis, thank you very much.

You’re chosen palette has given your trees an ethereal look Sandra.

Haven't seen you around lately Sandra, hope you are well. Even now I find this situation we're all in almost unbelievable. Thanks for your comment.

Thank-you very much Marjorie for your good wishes. Am back on board again, very well, just been offline for a while.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic on 16x12 canvas. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and a creative 2020.

About the Artist
Sandra Kennedy

I became hooked on painting when I joined an evening class on painting "Abstracts in Acrylic" some years ago. Now retired, I was painting fairly regularly until the last couple of years when I've had a "creative drought". This year I'm getting back into painting, concentrating on abstract.

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