Bit Rusty


Nice job on this worn old rusty truck. Familiar looking vehicles, I guess I'm young enough to have seen a few on the roads.

Great composition and subtle use of complimentary colour here Dixie 👏🏼👍🏼

Always like a bit of rust!

Really well done Paul.

Lovely job Paul.

These old trucks make a great subject with their warm rust colours.

A lovely painting of an old vehicle Paul

Love all the colour created by these old trucks Paul. A great job.

Thank you all,for your kind comments, I do appreciate them .

The truck has a delightful character, Dixie, the background fits well. Lovely work.

beautifully realised dear Paul! I can feel the love and respect you give to the discarded things (here the truck). A final resting place, a slow exhale...and they have served man all their lives - tirelessly and without grumbling.

Posted by Tanja G. on Mon 31 Jul 17:28:51

A lot rusty! But what a great subject and one you do so well Paul.

Thank you Tanja and Fiona for you lovely comments . It a subject I love doing old rust vehicle, ships, planes etc. There is so much going on with these discarded things , even a rusting bucket has a beauty and charm , it mimicking the colours and the decay that is the challenge I like and every bit of metal rusts differently even on the same vehicle etc.

It's worked well...satisfying

Spencer and Sylvia thank you for you kind comments.

Love the colours you use on your rusty old trucks, they really are unique and lovingly painted Paul It looks like red oxide you use but I'm a bit out of touch with colour names now. This is super, so glad you have shared it.

Super painting Paul, the truck looks most forlorn.

Hank you Ruth and Andy for your kind comments. It’s a mix of several colours Ruth but the base is always yellow , of the top of my head I can’t remember which one I used but will look up the combination .

Love this rusty old character Paul.

Very good Paul!

Thank you Carole and Karen I appreciate your kind comments.

Super old truck Dixie and it even has a face!

Thanks Tessa , I thought that as I was painting it .

A lovely piece of work Paul, you are so good at this old rusty vehicles.

Thank you Val , I do believe it help when you like the subject and have studied it . To be honest I think in a bit obsessed with old rusty vehicles and ships , I’m painting a old barn at the moment with a very rusty corrugated roof it’s only a few miles from where I live .

The only place you can admire rust! Great work Paul.

Thanks Russell for you comment, I would be very upset if it was on my car.

Hang on Studio Wall
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A4 watercolour of a rusty old truck in the Australian outback , lots of these old trucks can be found all Australia , New Zealand and Africa. May we’re bought after the Second World War for use developing farms , forestry and industrial sites . They rust and decay very different to how they would in our climate as it’s often very arid. Love the colours as they rot slowly.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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