In memory, in more than one sense

P1010005 (8)

Hmmmmm - NOT as successful a photo as I thought! She wasn't well, but not as pale and wan as this.... Wait for the damn' camera, Jones, and throw the useless old Olympuses away........

Don't be so hard on yourself, Robert. In my humble opinion I think its good. The face has a sincerity that might be lost if it was posted in any another way. Life is full of 'I wish and what if's' better late than never.

This is a very interesting face, which I’m had many stories to tell. There is enough information to glean a lot from it.

Portrays a very interesting character Robert, never mind the quality of your camera, the painting looks great.

I like this very much. A thoughtful face, full of character.

I must have posted this twice - got timed out, but it came through anyway. Anyway, thank you for those comments - Shirley, for such was her name, was a penetratingly intelligent person: I haven't caught the authentic details of her face, memory is so deeply faulty, but I've got the intensity, I think - if you said something stupid, this is the look you'd get. It could shrivel your soul. She was given an NHS document to read, intended for public consumption; I wish I could remember her exact words - something like "this IS your first draft, is it?" - and to watch a highly-paid executive shrivel in his boots under her gaze is one of my treasured memories.

A certain melocholic touch, Very well captured, Full of memories and whispers from the past.

I think it's great and what a powerful face too

Painted with feeling I think Robert, she looks a woman of indomitable spirit.

Hang on Studio Wall

I'm getting a new camera, but this photo worked a little better than my recent ones, as I managed to whip it outdoors to take it, and I don't want to wait much longer to post it.... It's a 12" by 12" oil, painted from memory, of a close friend who died last year: I wish I'd painted her from life. Cremnitz White, Ivory Black, Cadmium Red, Yellow Ochre (Zorn palette) plus Ultramarine and Cerulean blues mixed. I have refined it a bit since taking the photo, but basically - it's not a bad reproduction.

About the Artist
Robert Jones, NAPA

Born November 18th 1950. Former party political agent, former chairman of housing association. Has worked as a volunteer with the NHS since 2000, painting seriously for the last ten years, sporadically for the last 50. Member, National Association of Painters in Acrylic from October 2015

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