Red Berries for Christmas.


Love this Christmassy painting and the shapes and design Tessa.

Very much like this too

Lovely painting, Tessa, very seasonal and evocative. Bri

Many thanks Carole,Heather,Dennis and Bri for all your kind comments.

The perfect Christmas colours Tessa, another winner.

And another great painting Tessa.

I like the close up of both these Tessa, great designs.

Thanks so much Fiona, Dixie, Carole, Maureen and John. Looks like the red berries have beaten the yellow version!

Another good one Tessa, great style.

Lovely painting Tessa

Thank you Linda and Romila. The sale went well, with a constant stream of visitors and I was happy with my sales.

Hang on Studio Wall

Mixed media on acrylic paper A5 size painted for a pop up sale tomorrow.

About the Artist
Tessa Gwynne

I have returned to painting over the last few years having relocated from Cardiff to the Cotswolds in 2009 and joined the Guiting Power Art Group. Although I did a year's Foundation Course at art college after leaving school, I hadn’t painted much in the interim, except for a few attempts here and…

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