Spring Flowers and Long Shadows


Beautiful love the daffodils

Four lovely Spring paintings online today Helen. All great pieces of work.

Thank you for such kind comments Anne, Spencer and Romila.

It's another beauty Helen, I love your work.

Superb painting. I love the loose style and interesting composition the light you have achieved is lovely.

Thank you so much Paul and Heather. It great that you get what I was 'after' with this.

Beautifully done.

Thank you Sue.

Hang on Studio Wall

I have a new studio which was created out of our former garage, a former cow shed (a long time ago!) The daylight comes through the windows in the new double doors, which face east. So the morning sun pours into the room in the most beautiful way, and I painted it as it briefly illuminated the brilliant yellow of these daffodils.

For Sale

Price: 285
Picture Size: 10"x10"
About the Artist
Helen Tarr

I am an artist and art tutor, and share my passion for painting through my classes, demonstrations and plein-air workshops. I mainly paint in oils on canvas and, while I often work from photographs, I paint from direct observation whenever possible, either from still-life or outside to create a…

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