En plein air??

En Plein Air - small

Good one Lewis, this is just why I’m not a fan of en plein air! Is that Prince Charles in the foreground?

That was quick, Katy. No, not Prince Charles...now you say it I can see a vague likeness. He was to be part of an entirely different picture, I lost interest in it and drew the en plein air stuff instead. (Almost impossible to erase ink.) So it's a mess. Had I started out to draw the en plein air thing it would be composed differently.

All been there, great drawing Lewis

Haha good one 👍

Excellent humour Lew and the drawings are first class.

Too much hair for Prince Charles, but definitely shows relevant anxiety. All the reasons why I don’t do plein air. Love it!

Ha ha love this

He does have a look of his H.R.H. Great characters.

Very funny Lewis. Smashing artwork. I love the red and yellow striped socks.

Many seem to think that’s Charlie boy - the ears, certainly. And I’ve certainly been daft enough to paint on a large canvas near the sea…yes, it blew off. Keep them coming Lewis😄

The expressions are brilliant Lew, as is the overall thing.The big guy seems to be contemplating the folly of plein air as opposed to staying home.(-:

Such a variety of expressions and humanity here Lewis. The weather prevents plein air being an option here and there is a ton of organising needed so your image is so accurate. The fact that there are two paintings in your mind has added to the quirkiness of this. Fantastic work Lewis.

Not every picture has to work together - this is a delightful series of vignettes (I hope that's the right word....). The blown-away part reminds me of a David Hockney documentary from a while ago: he was up in Yorkshire, with a large canvas - perhaps forgetting that Yorkshire isn't California ... anyway, the wind took his large canvas, and easel, and he had to chase it, with a little help from his assistant. Most of us, of course, don't have assistants to come to the rescue.

Great humour in your sketch and love the different expressions of all the onlookers!

Yes definitely Charlie, hair a bit white now! Love the onlookers!

I have yet to attempt Plein air Lewis perhaps I should do a survival course first anyway exceptional drawings and humour. Love it.

By the way - love that figure on the left, in the green poncho - just the expression I've seen on painters' faces when the weather suddenly does what English weather always does, and turns on you.

To say the least, this is so true! I'm a great fan of plein air, but now on a roll with watercolours...much less traumatic than oils in the wind!

Thanks to everyone for your great comments. Odd that many of you are seeing something Prince Charles-ish in the large character. It was never intended...he was meant to look lugubrious that's all. (For the original picture I had in mind...not this one.)

More great characters Lewis plus your distinctive humour. !!

Brilliantly observed characters Lewis, I particularly like the group scrutinising the increasingly agitated artist, and of course wonderfully drawn as always.

A great excuse I always use to avoid plein air painting, and I think the large HRH anchors the painting beautifully! Put a smile on my face!

Great title and painting.

However you arrived at this it is great. Fun and very well observed. I like my studio. In addition to which you clock up a few miles if you want to paint something different all the time ....

Just seen a picture of Prince Charles on the TV. The hair is right for his younger years, big ears - spot on, nose- close, tortured brow - as per usual, thin lips - yes, but questionable expression. So mostly a thumbs up for Prince Charles.

Thanks again for everybody who's taken the trouble to comment. Very much appreciated. Linda, I can only assume you are winding me up...this is not Prince Charles, any perceived likeness is purely accidental.

Hang on Studio Wall

This started as a different picture. Drew the large head in ink, went off my first idea, and drew something else. So it's cobbled together. A look at painting 'en plein air'. What's the larger man got to do with it? Nothing. He's wandered into the wrong picture. So, it doesn't work...I thought twice about posting it...but I can always draw something on the back. Ho hum...

About the Artist
Lewis Cooper

Self taught. Love drawing. Like to make pictures up, without using reference pics, often in cartoon style. I do other pictures where I do use reference. I'm knocking on a bit, born in 1940 in Greenwich, London. Retired, and loving it.

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