Cats and Dogs

talking to cat

As always wonderfully drawn characters (I love the cat's expression)

Brilliantly done as usual, Lewis, and I’m definitely a culprit !!

I know a dog who looks and listens just like that. AND he’s a biscuit connoisseur. Cats are good listeners too but he’s not too happy with she’s saying. Love ‘em all!

Priceless Lewis🤔😅

Oh how true Lewis. Another smile-a-day.


Love it, especially the dog’s expression. At least a dog will look at you very intently when you speak to them, and you feel they really do understand a lot of what you are saying!

Hahahaaaa ;) Just brilliant Lewis!

I showed this to George and he loved it….didn’t you boy?

Always good! Always interesting and above all always so beautifully detailed and drawn!!

Superb as always Lew both humour and artwork. I think we either speak dog or cat some lucky people are bilingual.

Great way to start Tuesday (my dog agrees). Who else would have thought of putting in those shadows, super attention to detail.

I like it! Great illustrations and characters right down to the shadows. The cat’s expression says it all.


Excellent Lewis ☺️

Love the expressions on the animals faces- if only they could speak back. The shadows really work well. Delightful as usual Lewis.

Very funny Lewis (as is Martin's comment ) and fabulous expressions on all four.

I am guilty of talking to my dog too. Really well done Lewis, great expressions.

Yes we do speak to animals mad as we are! My daughter’s partner has a lab called Spud, always thought it an odd name. Good faces all round Lew.

Thanks for looking and your great comments. Most people talk to their animals, some even talk to their plants!

Lol! And I totally agree with Spud that it's bonkers! Love your fabulous work, Lewis - always so much wonderful detail and I really admire how you bring so much character to life.

Wonderful, Lewis - thanks for the laughs!

Haha love it! Great as always Lew.

This made me laugh, lovely work Lewis.

Ah Lew, which of us in't guilty of that one? Trouble is, we do actually believe the animals understand what we're saying. (love the animal expressions..(-:

Lol….so true Lewis. I’ve been accused of talking more sweetly to our sparrow and bantam than to himself! A little jealousy creeping in I think….although, it could be true!

Hang on Studio Wall

Drawn with pen, coloured pencils and watercolour in A3 sketchbook, the text and background added in Photoshop. I guess we all 'speak' to animals.

About the Artist
Lewis Cooper

Self taught. Love drawing. Like to make pictures up, without using reference pics, often in cartoon style. I do other pictures where I do use reference. I'm knocking on a bit, born in 1940 in Greenwich, London. Retired, and loving it.

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