Cat in a Basket


Cats are such wonderful characters and you have caught his character really well!

Sounds a real character Linda, captured well.

Dry nicely done , like the basket as well.

A very knowing expression on the cat's face. Fine work Linda.

Thank you so much, Sarah, Katy, Paul and Lewis. It is great to see you back on POL, Lewis.

He had good taste in music Linda, The pink background works beautifully.

What a super painting of a clearly very characterful cat!

Thank you Denise and Heather for taking the time to comment. Not sure about character, viscous beastie is more like it.

That should read “vicious”.

Fabulous! Made me smile Linda!

I’m so glad I made you smile Diane. That I was my intention.

Hang on Studio Wall
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My late cat, brother of Barley used to like to sit in the waste paper basket. You may have heard of chicken in a basket, but this one was not for consumption: he was a predator. He used to hunt rabbits with his brother and eat them! He also used to like listening to Beethoven, sitting bolt upright, with his eyes closed and his ears twitching. This is pastel and coloured pencil on A5 Bristol board.

About the Artist
Linda Wilson

Since retiring from a career in education and training management, I returned to art after a gap of 40 years. Now I travel was much as I can with my husband and take an enormous amount of photographs, some of which I use as reference photos. Meanwhile, I take a weekly course in portraiture and…

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